
Franciscan at Home

Forming those who form others

Diocese of Birmingham


"Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And what you heard through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well." (cf. 2 Tim. 2:1-2)



The Diocese of Birmingham is proud to partner with Franciscan University at Steubenville to provide ongoing formation for those studying and sharing our Catholic faith. This partnership is at the service of parish catechists and catechetical leaders, Catholic school teachers and administrators, families, study groups, and clergy.

Franciscan at Home offers an experience of online faith formation that is focused on the ongoing spiritual growth of each participant. By connecting learners with mentors, formation is accompanied, relational, and personal. 


Parish Catechists

For those involved in parish catechesis, the partnership with Franciscan at Home offers the means for onboarding new people in the Church's vision and work of faith formation; it also offers ongoing formation and certification for those whom the Lord calls for service in the ministry of catechesis.

For the purposes of participation in this formation program, parish religious educators have been divided into three groups with different roles and responsibilities - 

  • Catechetical Aides: baptized adults who serve in parish faith formation programs in limited and/or temporary ways. A common example would be a parent volunteer who assists in his/her child's formation class as needed, without the intention to continue in long-term service in the work of catechesis. Catechetical aides are asked to complete the "Catechetical Basics" workshops in one year.
  • Catechists: baptized and confirmed adults in good standing with the Church who serve in a stable way in an area of parish catechetical ministry. For example, a person who persists in serving as a teacher in a First Communion or Confirmation program or one who persists in serving as small group facilitator in an RCIA program is considered a catechist, not a catechetical aide. Catechists should pursue certification through this formation program by completing the "Catechetical Basics" and "Core Catechist Formation" workshops within a two-year period of time. 
  • Catechetical Leaders: baptized and confirmed adults in good standing with the Church who serve in a stable way and have been delegated leadership roles by their pastors over some area(s) of parish catechetical ministry. This category would commonly include: directors of religious education/faith formation, youth ministers, sacramental preparation coordinators (First Communion, Confirmation, RCIA / OCIA), adult faith formation directors, children and family ministers, sports ministry leaders, and so forth. Catechetical leaders should pursue diocesan certification through completion of the "Catechetical Basics" and "Core Catechist Formation" workshops, as well as completing the Franciscan track of study most suited to their area of ministry (e.g. RCIA coordinators should complete the "Catechumenal Ministry" track, youth ministers the "Youth Ministry" track, and so on). This work should be completed within a three-year period of time.

Catechists and catechetical leaders who complete their course of study will receive diocesan certification through Franciscan at Home. If catechetical study has been done or is being done through another institution of Catholic formation, participants may be certified by reaching out to the Office of Religious Education to establish equivalencies.

Diocesan catechetical certification, along with prayer, discernment, and pastoral recommendation, will be prerequisites for a person being instituted in the lay ministry of catechesis. As recently announced by Pope Francis in his apostolic letter Antiquum Ministerium, this new process for recognizing women and men in the work of handing on the faith will begin in our diocese in the near future.


School Teachers

Ongoing faith formation is vital for all Catholics, but especially for those called to a vocation in our Catholic schools. It is the desire of the Catholic Schools Office to support our faculty and staff by offering ongoing catechesis through Franciscan at Home. The Catholic Schools Track will begin in year one with the following workshops:

It is hoped that participants will participate in these workshops together as school communities when possible, engaging in meaningful dialogue throughout each semester.

There are 12 workshops in the Catholic Schools Track. Faculty and Staff who complete the track will receive diocesan certification through Franciscan at Home. Pacing and timelines for completing certification will be outlined during the spring semester of 2023. Faculty and staff are welcome to register for any additional elective workshops that are of interest.


Families, Study Groups, and Clergy

Franciscan workshops may be useful as formation resources for people outside of parish catechesis and Catholic schools. Among many other possibilities:

Creatively make use of the Franciscan’s deep library of catechetical offerings in your own ongoing formation and in that of your community.



If you have any questions or needs related to use of Franciscan at Home, please reach out to your diocesan support team at [email protected] 

Learning Tracks

Catechetical Basics
Core Workshops

This workshop explores the most critical element in the graced work of passing on the faith — you. Because the content of the faith is a Person — the Person of Christ — the person of the catechist is pivotal for success. The vocation of the catechist is to be a witness of Christ’s goodness, of His zeal, of His ways, of Him — to be like the Master. “Whatever be the level of his responsibility in the Church, every catechist must constantly endeavor to transmit by his teaching and behavior the teaching and life of Jesus” (St. John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation "On Catechesis in Our Time," Catechesi tradendae (CT) 6). This calling is both joyfully thrilling, and jarringly daunting. It is a supernatural work, beyond our natural capacities. “Catechesis . . . is consequently a work of the Holy Spirit, a work that He alone can initiate and sustain in the Church” (CT 72). And sustain in you. This foundational workshop offers inspiration, insight, and guidance to encourage catechists as they strive to live out their privileged vocation.

Depending on the needs of the students served, please choose one (or more) of the following

The goal of catechesis is participation in God’s life. It is critical that catechists learn how to effectively engage the young mind and heart of each child, encourage each child to respect and love the things of the faith, and help each child discover the wonderful love of a gentle Father. This very basic workshop focuses on the most fundamental catechetical methodologies that will enable the catechist of children to facilitate intimacy with God and fidelity to the Church. Methods and techniques will be demonstrated that encourage children to grow in wonder and awe, as they deepen their love for God and His truths. This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.

The General Directory of Catechesis says that, “Catechesis for adults, since it deals with persons who are capable of an adherence that is fully responsible, must be considered the chief form of catechesis” (GDC 59).  Is this what most adult Catholics understand?  Do most parishes orient sufficient resources to this endeavor?  Do the methods employed in parishes reflect the best possible principles for adult learning, which differ from methodology employed for children and adolescents?  This workshop will explore techniques to evangelize, catechize, and form faith in adults most effectively, given that the principle places of adult formation are in the family and in the parish.

In his homily at the Jubilee of the Disabled, St. John Paul II beautifully stated: “How eloquent are your words for us . . . Lord of life and hope! Every human limitation is ransomed and redeemed in you. Thanks to you, disability is not the last word on life. Love is the last word; it is your love that gives meaning to life” (December 3, 2020). We also heard from St. John Paul II that “. . . the Church has always looked on catechesis as a sacred duty and an inalienable right” that needs to be available to all people, and this includes persons with disabilities (Apostolic Exhortation “On Catechesis in Our Time,” Catechesi tradendae 14). This workshop will introduce the catechist to the Church’s teaching concerning catechesis for persons who have physical or developmental disabilities, and include practical assistance for catechists working with various special needs situations. This workshop will also help raise awareness among those involved in parish work of the many resources and sources of aid that exist to serve children and adults with these conditions.

What does it mean to serve in a diverse parish? Cultural diversity has always been at the heart of the Church: “Here there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free man, but Christ is all, and in all” (Colossians 3:11). This workshop explores how to navigate the intercultural reality that many parish programs experience, so that we can effectively bring the love of Christ to each person and help all within the community feel a part of the Body of Christ. In doing so, fostering a respect for the dignity of each person, honoring the pivotal importance of family culture, and making the effort to grow in intercultural competence become key highlights in any successful ministry approach.

Formación básica de catequistas
Formación básica de catequistas

Este taller explora el elemento esencial en la misión de transmitir la fe: . Debido a que el contenido de la fe es una Persona, Cristo, la persona del catequista es fundamental. La vocación del catequista es la de ser testigo de la bondad de Cristo, de Su santo celo, de Su ejemplo — de ser como el Maestro. “. . . [C]ualquiera que sea su responsabilidad en la Iglesia, debe ser la de comunicar, a través de su enseñanza y su comportamiento, la doctrina y la vida de Jesús” (Juan Pablo II, Exhortación apostólica, La Catequesis en Nuestro Tiempo, Catechesi tradendae (CT) 6). Este llamado es a la vez tan gozoso y emocionante como al mismo tiempo dificil porque conlleva una gran responsabilidad. Se trata de una obra sobrenatural, más allá de nuestras capacidades naturales. “La catequesis . . . es por consiguiente una obra del Espíritu Santo, obra que sólo Él puede suscitar y alimentar en la Iglesia” (CT 72). Y se sostiene en ti. Este taller es un punto de partida que ofrece inspiración, visión y guía para animar a los catequistas en su esfuerzo por vivir su vocación privilegiada. 

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.

Dependiendo de las necesidades de los estudiantes atendidos, elija uno (o más) de los siguientes

El Directorio para la catequesis nos dice que “San Agustín señaló la niñez y la infancia como una época en la que se aprende el diálogo con el Maestro que habla en la intimidad. Es desde una edad temprana que el niño debe ser ayudado a percibir y desarrollar el sentido de Dios y la intuición natural de su existencia” (236). Nuestra capacidad de catequizar, de ayudarles a los niños a tener una relación con Jesucristo, ya sea como catequistas, padres, maestros de escuelas católicas, etc., no es simplemente una cuestión de nuestras habilidades de enseñanza. Más bien, la edad y el desarrollo de un niño, así como los factores ambientales, afectan la receptividad del niño hacia la fe. En este taller, exploraremos formas de elaborar nuestra catequesis en relación a las etapas de desarrollo de los niños, para poder guiarlos mejor a la intimidad con Jesucristo. 

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.

¿Qué es lo que más necesitan los jóvenes hoy en día? Como todos, necesitan tener un encuentro con el amor de Jesucristo que les abrirá los horizontes y llenará su vida con esperanza. Podemos facilitar este encuentro cuando formamos grupos con ambientes familiares, donde se habla en el idioma de los jóvenes, el idioma de amor. El P. Agustino Torres, CFR, nos da herramientas prácticas para empezar la pastoral juvenil en nuestra parroquia. No solo nos explica los pasos de cómo formar un grupo de liderazgo, cómo reconocer los tipos de jóvenes que nos pueden llegar y los diferentes tipos de eventos que debemos llevar a cabo, sino que también nos enseña cómo responder a sus preguntas e inquietudes más profundas. 

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.

Formation for the Ministry of Catechesis

Mother Church insists that catechesis that truly evangelizes hearts, and that meets souls in the place of greatest need, must be unshakably centered upon Him who is our beginning and our end – Jesus Christ.  We teach Jesus, and everything we teach, we teach in reference to Him, thus teaching Christo-centrically.  Come explore how to unfold the life-giving truths of our faith with Jesus placed clearly at the center of all things: our teaching content, our teaching methods, and our own personal witness to others whom God has called us to love.

The Church is the Body of Christ on Earth. The Church Christ founded is His continued history on Earth. The graces entrusted to her make possible an explosion of sanctity in the human family. The revelation of truth entrusted to her makes possible our secure return to the Father’s arms. The mission entrusted to her engages all human endeavors, and transcends all human failings, so that God’s Spirit can go forth to fulfill Christ’s promise to “make all things new” (Revelation 21:5). This workshop will explore God’s magnificent convocation of souls that we call the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

Throughout the generations, the Word of God has been handed on as a precious jewel. The Church has guarded this Deposit of Faith so that the saving message of hope might shine out for all to see. Now it is up to us. It is our turn to hand on this jewel, unscathed. It is up to us to catechize, continuing the unbroken chain of passing on the faith throughout the ages. The term catechesis comes from two Greek words meaning, “to echo down,” reflecting the call to us to “echo down,” to hand on, the whole of the faith in its saving fullness. This Deposit of Faith is summed up for our times in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We will look at this important teaching tool for catechesis in this workshop, to discover how we, too, can effectively pass on the precious deposit of Christian teaching. And in learning how to do this, we are able to insert our own name into St. Paul’s exhortation, “O catechist, guard what has been entrusted to you.”


The General Directory for Catechesis teaches that, “. . . the baptismal catechumenate . . . is the model of [the Church’s] catechizing activity” (90). We might wonder why Mother Church urges those who teach the faith to see the catechumenate (the RCIA process) as a model for all forms of catechesis. Mother Church urges this, because at the heart of the catechumenal process is a process of conversion. This workshop makes clear that the catechumenal process is slow and in stages. It also helps us understand that the catechumenal process is a progressive process, meaning it deepens with each step, so that individuals are brought into deeper communion with the Blessed Trinity and the Church. This workshop also offers guidance on how all forms of catechesis can follow the model of the baptismal catechumenate.

“. . . thus says the Lord . . . ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine’” (Isaiah 43:1). Through the saving life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have been redeemed and called to know a sense of our belonging to the Blessed Trinity — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This proclamation of the Good News of the Gospel, the kerygma, is the message we are called to share with all those we catechize, and the great story of God’s loving plan for our salvation and what He calls us to be. In order to proclaim the kerygma to any audience in a way that can be heard and inculcated — such that they desire to run to their Savior and return His love — it is important for us to understand the content of the kerygma, its different formulations, and the context in which we will be sharing it. This workshop will explore the essence of the kerygma and ways to effectively share it with the particular audience we have in front of us.  This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.

Sacred Scriptures

Knowing and understanding Scripture is essential in the life of a catechist. This workshop will explore how God’s Word, transmitted in Sacred Scripture, grounds and deepens our relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. In Scripture, we see the sweeping Plan of God, the history of salvation unfolded. We hear His stunning and steadfast invitation to communion with Him. Sacred Scripture ought to permeate all forms of catechesis, as well as our personal lives as catechists. Through creating lesson plans saturated with the Scriptures, we foster a profound encounter with the Divine – love and challenge, wisdom and hope, forgiveness and mercy, and the means to know God and to know ourselves. By breaking open the Scriptures in each catechetical session, we unlock the mystery of Christ, revealing to those we teach the One they desire to know, fostering life-changing intimacy with God.


Hidden within plain sight in every liturgy is the heart of catechesis – the mystery of Christ’s earthly vocation to return us to the Father’s loving embrace. A deeply Catholic catechesis seeks to uncover the profound meaning of the words, signs, and movements of worship to enlighten and enliven every truth we teach. Understanding the relationship between liturgy and catechesis is vital to forming souls – and to helping those we teach discover the peace and joy of their salvation.


“The content of catechesis cannot be indifferently subjected to any method” (General Directory for Catechesis 149). Every good catechist seeks in some organized fashion to give growth to the seed of faith, to nourish hope, and to develop a deeper desire to love God and neighbor. In this workshop, we will explore a method that is highly suited to the goals of catechesis, and flows from a study of how the Church’s many catechetical saints sought to pass on the beauty, truth, and goodness of Christ’s saving revelation.


In order to pass on the truths of Faith in season and out, the catechist must be securely grounded in Christ. This workshop will consider the richness of the Catholic spiritual life as it pertains specifically to the life of the catechist. Prayer is not the “last ditch effort” of defense for us as catechists, but our first line of defense - the wings on which every effort should soar. Our society often has trouble recognizing that the invisible spiritual realities are in fact “more real,” and certainly more lasting, than the physical realities we touch, see, hear, and experience daily. A review of the spiritual tools of the trade is thus appropriate to help us as catechists joyfully incorporate prayer as our first, middle, and last act of the day, and of the teaching session, creating an environment for catechesis that is permeated by prayer.


The Blessed Trinity is the greatest of all mysteries: the One and Only God is a unity of Three Persons. The Trinity is also our final home, the goal of our life. This mystery, revealed in Jesus, sheds light on all other Christian mysteries. And it is the revelation that sheds light on all other Christian mysteries. Knowing that God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, is a unity of loving Persons, changes our understanding of everything. Many religions believe in gods, some believe in one God, but nothing compares to the Christian belief in one God as a communion of Persons, named for us by Jesus as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Many curriculums include the Trinity as only one doctrine among many. This workshop will help to show how to teach the centrality of the Trinity effectively, as the goal and fulfillment of the life of each Christian.

He is the Alpha and the Omega.  He is in all, before all, through all.  The primary and essential object of catechesis is, to use an expression dear to St. Paul, “the mystery of Christ.” (CT 5)  Therefore everyone who teaches the Catholic faith must be immersed in this mystery.  Using Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, as well as recent ecclesial documents, this workshop will present the key doctrines that must be taught concerning Jesus Christ.  By examining Jesus’ actions in Scripture, His relationships, and His ways of teaching, we will help catechists unlock the mysteries of Christ, His Incarnation, Redemption, and Second Coming.  This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by William H. Sadlier, Inc.


Formación para el Ministerio de la Catequesis

La Santa Madre Iglesia insiste en que la catequesis que verdaderamente evangeliza los corazones, y que encuentra a las almas en el lugar de mayor necesidad, debe centrarse en Aquel quien es nuestro principio y fin: Jesucristo. Enseñamos a Jesús, y todo lo que enseñamos, debe ser en referencia a Él. Ven a explorar cómo desarrollar las verdades inspiradoras de nuestra fe poniendo a Jesús claramente en el centro de todas las cosas: nuestro contenido de enseñanza, nuestros métodos de enseñanza y nuestro propio testimonio personal a quienes Dios nos ha llamado a amar. 

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.

La Iglesia es el Cuerpo de Cristo en la Tierra. La Iglesia que Cristo fundó es la continuación de Su historia en la Tierra. Las gracias confiadas a Ella hacen posible una explosión de santidad en la familia humana. La revelación de la verdad confiada a Ella hace posible nuestro regreso seguro a los brazos del Padre. La misión otorgada a Ella abarca toda actividad humana, y trasciende toda debilidad humana, a fin de que el Espíritu de Dios pueda continuar avanzando para cumplir la promesa de Cristo: “Yo hago nuevas todas las cosas” (Apocalipsis 21:5). Este taller explorará la gloriosa convocatoria de Dios a las almas que nosotros llamamos la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y apostólica.  

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.

De generación en generación, la Palabra de Dios ha sido transmitida como una joya preciosa. La Iglesia ha custodiado este Depósito de la Fe para que el mensaje salvífico de esperanza ilumine y llegue a todos los hombres. Ahora nos corresponde a nosotros. Es nuestro turno transmitir esta joya, intacta. Nos toca catequizar, continuando la cadena ininterrumpida de transmisión de la fe a lo largo de los siglos. El término catequesis deriva de dos palabras griegas que significan: “hacer eco”. Es un llamado a transmitir la totalidad de la fe en su plenitud salvadora. Este Depósito de la Fe queda resumido para nosotros en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. Veremos esta importante herramienta de enseñanza para la catequesis en este taller. De esta manera  descubriremos que nosotros también podemos transmitir el preciado depósito de la enseñanza cristiana de manera efectiva. Y al aprender cómo hacer esto, seremos parte en la exhortación de San Pablo, “Catequista, guarda el depósito”.  

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.

El Directorio para la Catequesis nos dice que es urgente recuperar la "inspiración catecumenal de la catequesis" porque es una forma de enseñar que es "progresiva y dinámica, rica de signos y lenguajes, favorables para la integración de todas las dimensiones de la persona" (DC 2). En este taller, conoceremos los inicios de este modelo en la historia de la Iglesia, y veremos cómo cada una de las etapas del proceso catecumenal tiene un lugar especial en el proceso de la conversión. Revisaremos algunos de los términos y conceptos más básicos, y buscaremos aplicar sus principios a nuestras propias situaciones. Finalmente, reflexionaremos sobre la razón que es el modelo de formación en la fe que necesitamos para nuestros tiempos.

Tal vez eres un catequista para niños o para adultos y estás buscando maneras de mejorar tus métodos de enseñanza o trabajas en el ministerio del Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA) y quieres profundizar tu entendimiento del proceso. ¡Este taller es para ti!  

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.

Este taller explicará el contenido del kerigma y la Buena Nueva, y en él, exploraremos diferentes formas de compartir las palabras y los hechos de Jesucristo con los demás. Seas padre o madre de familia, catequista o simplemente una persona interesada en aprender más, este taller te ayudará a aprender más acerca de lo que la Iglesia enseña. En esta jornada de fe en la que nos embarcaremos, podrás profundizar tu fe y tu vida de oración de tal forma que, al terminar, habrás podido entender la importancia de llevar la Buena Nueva a tu hogar, a tu escuela o a tu trabajo.  

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.

Sagradas Escrituras

Conocer y comprender las Sagradas Escrituras es esencial en la vida de un catequista. Este taller explorará cómo la Palabra de Dios, transmitida en la Sagradas Escrituras, fundamenta y profundiza nuestra relación con Jesucristo y Su Iglesia. En las Sagradas Escrituras, vemos el amplio plan de Dios, la historia de la salvación revelada. Escuchamos Su asombrosa y constante invitación a vivir en comunión con Él. Las Sagradas Escrituras deben inspirar e impregnar todas las formas de catequesis, así como nuestra vida personal como catequistas. Al crear planes de lecciones cimentados en las Sagradas Escrituras, fomentamos un encuentro profundo con lo Divino: amor y desafío, sabiduría y esperanza, perdón y misericordia, y a su vez los medios para conocer a Dios y conocernos a nosotros mismos. Al contemplar las Sagradas Escrituras en cada sesión de catequesis, descubrimos el misterio de Cristo, revelando a aquellos a quienes enseñamos a Aquel que desean conocer, fomentando una intimidad con Dios que cambiará sus vidas.

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.


“La santa madre Iglesia desea ardientemente que se lleve a todos los fieles a aquella participación plena, consciente y activa en las celebraciones litúrgicas que exige la naturaleza de la Liturgia” (Constitución sobre la Santa Liturgia del Concilio Vaticano II,  Sacrosanctum concilium 14). La Iglesia desea que todos nosotros — incluyendo los niños — participemos de manera plena y activa en la liturgia eucarística, la santa Misa, para que experimentemos la belleza que está presente en cada Misa y la alegría de permitir que Jesús nos ayude a convertirnos en las personas que él nos ha creado a ser por medio de esta celebración. Cada gesto y cada palabra de la Misa tiene un significado, y los niños — cuando se les enseña el significado concreto de cada elemento—pueden de manera alegre y entusiasta participar en la Misa y encontrarse con la persona de Jesús. Éste taller ofrece un método para introducir a los niños a la liturgia, para que ellos puedan participar en los ritos litúrgicos y vivir la Misa con todo su ser.  

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.


“El contenido de la catequesis, siendo objeto de fe, no puede someterse indiferentemente a cualquier método . . .” (Directorio para la catequesis (DC) 194). Todo buen catequista busca de manera intencional hacer crecer la semilla de la fe, alimentar la esperanza y desarrollar un deseo más profundo de amar a Dios y al prójimo. En este taller, exploraremos un método que se adapta muy bien a los objetivos de la catequesis y que surge de un estudio de cómo los santos catequéticos de la Iglesia buscaron transmitir la belleza, la verdad y la bondad de la revelación salvadora de Cristo.

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitory por el apoyo de la diócesis de Tyler, TX.


Para transmitir las verdades de la fe, el catequista debe estar firmemente cimentado en Cristo. Este taller considerará la riqueza de la vida espiritual católica en lo que se refiere específicamente a la vida del catequista. La oración no es un “último esfuerzo desesperado” de defensa para nosotros como catequistas, sino nuestra primera línea de defensa: las alas en las que debe volar todo esfuerzo. A menudo, nuestra sociedad tiene problemas para reconocer que las realidades espirituales invisibles son de hecho “más reales” y ciertamente más duraderas que las realidades físicas que tocamos, vemos, oímos y experimentamos a diario. Por lo tanto, una revisión de las herramientas espirituales del oficio es apropiada para ayudarnos como catequistas a incorporar con alegría la oración al principio, mitad y final de nuestro día y de la sesión de enseñanza, creando un ambiente permeado por un clima de oración para la catequesis.

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.


La Santísima Trinidad es el misterio más importante: el Único Dios es una unidad de Tres Personas. La Trinidad también es nuestra morada final, la meta de nuestra vida. Este misterio, revelado en Jesús, ilumina a todos los otros misterios cristianos. Saber que Dios, el Creador del cielo y de la tierra, es una unidad de Personas amorosas, cambia nuestro entendimiento de todo. Muchas religiones creen en un Dios, pero nada se compara a la creencia cristiana de un Dios que es una comunión de Personas, nombradas para nosotros por Jesús como Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Algunos planes de estudio incluyen a la Trinidad simplemente como una doctrina entre otras. Este taller nos ayudará a entender cómo enseñar eficazmente la centralidad de la Trinidad, como la meta y cima de la vida de cada cristiano. 

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.

El es el Alfa y la Omega. El está en todo, antes que todo y a través de todo. El objetivo esencial y primordial de la catequesis es, usando una expresión muy querida por St. Pablo, “el misterio de Cristo”. (ver Catechesi Tradendae, sobre la catequesis en nuestro tiempo (CT) 5). Por lo tanto, todo aquel que enseñe la fe Católica debe estar inmerso en este misterio. Utilizando las Escrituras y el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (CEC), al igual que recientes documentos eclesiásticos, este taller presentará las doctrinas claves que deben ser enseñadas respecto a Jesucristo. Al analizar la obra de Jesús en las Escrituras, Sus relaciones, y Su manera de enseñar, ayudaremos a los catequistas a descifrar los misterios de Cristo, su Encarnación, Redención y Segunda Venida. 

La creación de este taller fue posible gracias a una generosa subvención de Our Sunday Visitor.

Parish Catechetical Leaders (DREs, Children and Family Ministers)
Personal / Professional Health

While “Parish Catechetical Leader” can mean virtually anything in a given parish, there are  specific skills that are particularly best suited for the people who serve in these eclectic positions. This workshop discusses those skills and traits in detail and examines some of the major themes, underlying principles and recurring patterns found in the lives of successful leaders who serve under pastors. May we be inspired to seek the harder road in the privileged vocation of leadership in God’s Church, so that He may be glorified and many souls lifted up. As St. Catherine of Siena in the voice of our Lord said: “I have set you as workers in your own and your neighbor’s souls, and in the mystic Body of holy Church.  Take your tears and your sweat, drawn from the fountain of My Divine love, and with them wash the face of My spouse the Church. I promise you, that by this means, her beauty will be restored to her.”

In his Apostolic Exhortation “On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s World,” Evangelii gaudium (EG), Pope Francis reminds us that: “. . . the Gospel tells us constantly to run the risk of a face-to-face encounter with others, with their physical presence which challenges us, with their pain and their pleas, with their joy which infects us in our close and continuous interaction. True faith in the incarnate Son of God is inseparable from self-giving, from membership in the community, from service, from reconciliation with others. The Son of God, by becoming flesh, summoned us to the revolution of tenderness” (88). As parish catechetical leaders, we are encountering others — our pastor, fellow staff members, catechists, parishioners, and so on — on a day-to-day basis, whether in person, through email, or over the phone. So much interaction is not without its challenges, and it takes work, as well as great trust in our Lord, to maintain healthy and flourishing relationships in the parish setting. This workshop will explore common challenges we face as parish catechetical leaders, ways by which to grow in virtue as the servant leaders we are called to be, and help us grow in our appreciation for those we work with in our ministry.

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls; but in an abundance of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14). Our mission in all of our religious education endeavors within the parish is to proclaim the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and to lead others into a relationship with the Trinity. Within this central call, as parish catechetical leaders, we are responsible for developing, directing, and implementing a successful parish formation program. This workshop will discuss the policies and procedures needed to help our programs run effectively and protect the children, teens, catechists, and families we serve, as well as ourselves. This workshop will also help us develop professionalism in our ministries in order to better serve the individuals entrusted to us.

“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul . . . the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes . . .” (Psalm 19:7–8). The Lord’s law revives our souls, causes our hearts to rejoice, and enlightens our eyes, because when we obey His commands, we live in the freedom that God intends for us. As Parish Catechetical Leaders, we can live in the freedom of God's commands by being attentive to potential legal issues that might arise during the course of our ministry and developing proactive approaches to attend to those issues. Amidst our responsibilities for program development, implementation, and evaluation, as well as many other facets of faith formation, we must remember that the safety and care of the parish’s children, teens, and adults is paramount, as is the welfare of those we lead. This workshop offers an overview of potential legal issues, practical tips and suggestions for anticipating and avoiding them, and recommends two valuable resources for Parish Catechetical Leaders to guide us in navigating potential legal issues.


This workshop, designed for Parish Catechetical Leaders seeking to plan for and implement successful parish faith formation programs, discusses how the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults’ (RCIA) baptismal catechumenate format actually serves as a helpful model for doing so. This may be surprising, but the format of the RCIA baptismal catechumenate is actually modeled by Jesus in His encounter with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13–35), and since then has been followed by the Church to form disciples. The presenter precedes this teaching on the RCIA baptismal catechumenate with the 1997 General Directory for Catechesis’ (GDC) key conditions that need to be present in the parish before beginning and concludes with ways to assess faith formation programs. Let's explore this method of applying the RCIA baptismal catechumenate to our parish formation programs in order to best foster conversion and form disciples of our Lord Jesus, to make saints!

Christ our Lord had wonderful times with his apostolic band – “You are my friends” (John 15:13) – and tough times as well – “How much longer must I be among you and put up with you!” (Luke 9:41). The volunteer catechists we have the privilege of serving alongside of and leading in ministry merit our best efforts in training and equipping them for the ministry to which they are called. This highly practical pair of workshops examines the type of person who volunteers to be a catechist, reasons for volunteering, where to find volunteer catechists, screening prospects, the dynamics of working together in a parish program, addressing problem situations which may arise among or with catechists. We offers specific practical strategies for forming and training catechists in four critical areas: human, spiritual, doctrinal and apostolic. The aim of this pair of workshops is to place integral formation of people at the top of the list of priorities of a parish catechetical leader, to make possible a successful sharing of outreach to any age in every parish.

Christ our Lord had wonderful times with his apostolic band – “You are my friends” (John 15:14) – and tough times as well – “How much longer must I be among you and put up with you!” (Luke 9:41).  The volunteer catechists we have the privilege of serving alongside of and leading in ministry merit our best efforts in training and equipping them for the ministry to which they are called. This highly practical pair of workshops examines the type of person who volunteers to be a catechist, reasons for volunteering, where to find volunteer catechists, screening prospects, the dynamics of working together in a parish program, addressing problem situations which may arise among or with catechists. We offer specific practical strategies for forming and training catechists in four critical areas: human, spiritual, doctrinal and apostolic. The aim of this pair of workshops is to place integral formation of people at the top of the list of priorities of a parish catechetical leader, to make possible a successful sharing of outreach to any age in every parish.

The ministry of catechesis and the ministry of spiritual formation are ordinarily somewhat separate in people’s understanding. Yet in the Church’s mind, they relate naturally and necessarily. In the General Directory for Catechesis we read, “Truly, to help a person to encounter God, which is the task of the catechist, means to emphasize above all the relationship that the person has with God so that he can make it his own and allow himself to be guided by God. . . . The catechist is essentially a mediator. He facilitates communication between the people and the mystery of God, between subjects amongst themselves, as well as with the community” (139, 156). This workshop explores what it means to be guided — an intentional docility and trust in the Church's ability to lead us to spiritual growth, to peace with God, to sanctity. Building upon this, we then examine the fundamentals of what it means for you to guide another soul in a catechetical context, so that you can more intentionally seek to be all that the catechetical vocation is graced to become. This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.


Children and Family Ministries

Recognizing that ". . . [t]he future of the world and of the Church passes through the family," St. John Paul II exhorts the Christian family to “become what you are” in his Apostolic Exhortation, "On the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World," Familiaris consortio, paragraphs 75 (italics our emphasis) and 17. The Christian family is a community that lies at the heart of formation, education, and evangelization. This workshop walks us through this pastoral document from the saint who is often called the “Pope of the family,” examining the tasks facing the Christian family in both its natural and supernatural roles. It examines St. John Paul II’s teaching in Familiaris consortio, systematically exploring the tasks of the family that the Church, through St. John Paul II, has presented in the document. This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.

St. John Paul II tells us that, “Family catechesis . . . precedes, accompanies and enriches all other forms of catechesis” (Apostolic Exhortation “On Catechesis in Our Time,” Catechesi tradendae, CT, 68). These words challenge us to examine our thinking about how to pass on the Catholic faith within the parish or school we serve, and specifically to look at how to encourage the formation of the entire family.  In the Catechism of the Catholic Church we read, “The family is the community in which, from childhood, one can learn moral values, begin to honor God, and make good use of freedom” (2207). This workshop examines the primacy of the family in religious education and the importance of assisting families in their formation, so that together the parish or school community and families can work to bring about the well-formed and beautiful soul of each member. This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.


Called to Him.  Kept in Him.  Made new in Him.  God’s generosity and His fatherly love for His young daughters and sons are strikingly evident in the gift of these two sacraments to those newly arrived at the age of reason.  This workshop unfolds the Church’s guidance for parents and parishes in preparing souls for Confession and Communion.  By considering the role of both the home and the parochial settings, a balanced and effective formation can be achieved.  This pragmatic workshop also addresses common struggles and cultural issues that Catholic communities face in developing responsible and robust approaches to helping young souls be open to grace.  This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by William H. Sadlier, Inc.

Effectively Confirming.  What the bishop gives sacramentally is always efficacious.  How do we support our confirmands and their families in this deeply challenging modern culture so that what we give in our parishes and schools catechetically is also reliably effective?  How do we not only provide a program, but also a conversion process, so that participants do not experience the catechesis we give as a series of required hoops to jump through, but revelatory hope?  This workshop aims to explore some practical strategies that apply to this and other parish ministries.  It includes insights from Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium, as well as examines current trends relating to the age of Confirmation and the ordering of the sacraments of Christian initiation.


The goal of catechesis is participation in God’s life. It is critical that catechists learn how to effectively engage the young mind and heart of each child, encourage each child to respect and love the things of the faith, and help each child discover the wonderful love of a gentle Father. This very basic workshop focuses on the most fundamental catechetical methodologies that will enable the catechist of children to facilitate intimacy with God and fidelity to the Church. Methods and techniques will be demonstrated that encourage children to grow in wonder and awe, as they deepen their love for God and His truths. This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.

The General Directory of Catechesis says that, “Catechesis for adults, since it deals with persons who are capable of an adherence that is fully responsible, must be considered the chief form of catechesis” (GDC 59).  Is this what most adult Catholics understand?  Do most parishes orient sufficient resources to this endeavor?  Do the methods employed in parishes reflect the best possible principles for adult learning, which differ from methodology employed for children and adolescents?  This workshop will explore techniques to evangelize, catechize, and form faith in adults most effectively, given that the principle places of adult formation are in the family and in the parish.

In his homily at the Jubilee of the Disabled, St. John Paul II beautifully stated: “How eloquent are your words for us . . . Lord of life and hope! Every human limitation is ransomed and redeemed in you. Thanks to you, disability is not the last word on life. Love is the last word; it is your love that gives meaning to life” (December 3, 2020). We also heard from St. John Paul II that “. . . the Church has always looked on catechesis as a sacred duty and an inalienable right” that needs to be available to all people, and this includes persons with disabilities (Apostolic Exhortation “On Catechesis in Our Time,” Catechesi tradendae 14). This workshop will introduce the catechist to the Church’s teaching concerning catechesis for persons who have physical or developmental disabilities, and include practical assistance for catechists working with various special needs situations. This workshop will also help raise awareness among those involved in parish work of the many resources and sources of aid that exist to serve children and adults with these conditions.

What does it mean to serve in a diverse parish? Cultural diversity has always been at the heart of the Church: “Here there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free man, but Christ is all, and in all” (Colossians 3:11). This workshop explores how to navigate the intercultural reality that many parish programs experience, so that we can effectively bring the love of Christ to each person and help all within the community feel a part of the Body of Christ. In doing so, fostering a respect for the dignity of each person, honoring the pivotal importance of family culture, and making the effort to grow in intercultural competence become key highlights in any successful ministry approach.

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