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Catechetical Saints: Blessed John Paul II, Pt. 2

In his forward to John Paul II: Catechist, Terence Cardinal Cooke stated that the Holy Father viewed ‘catechesis as one of the principal elements of his ministry of service to all of us.’ In the Preface to the same text, the author states that in Catechesi Tradendae, John Paul II, the Church’s first teacher of the faith, expounds his authoritative teaching on teaching the faith of Christ: the Pope appears in this document in his role as the Church’s principal catechist. He goes on to say that it is ‘no exaggeration to call it [CT] a new charter for religious education today.’

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Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM, Ph.D, a member of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George, holds a BA in Theology and Elementary Education from St. Louis University, a Pontifical Catechetical Diploma, an MA in Religious Education from the Angelicum, and a PhD in Theology from Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, England. Sister has been involved in Religious Education for over twenty-five years. She currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, specializing in Catechetics, and offers catechetical workshops in both the US and her native Canada. In 2013 she published her first book Mentors for the New Evangelization: Catechetical Saints of North America.

This article is from The Sower and may be copied for catechetical purposes only. It may not be reprinted in another published work without the permission of Maryvale Institute. Contact [email protected]

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