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Presentado por Dr. Maria Claudia Arboleda Piedrahita, Profesora, Universidad Católica, San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM)
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Presented by Dino Durando, Director, Office of the Domestic Church and Discipleship, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO, and Lori Smith, OCIA/RCIA Advisor for the Diocese of Sacramento, CI Mentor.
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Seminario Web: presentado por la H. María Ecclesiae, Hija de Santa María del Corazón de Jesús (HSMCJ), quien se dedica al apostolado de la oración con niños y familias. La H. María Ecclesiae es graduada de la Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville.
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Presented by Lori Smith, OCIA/RCIA Advisor for the Diocese of Sacramento, CI Mentor.
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Presented by Heather Keimig, Coordinator of Family and Respect Life Office, Diocese of Steubenville, OH.
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Presented by Lori Smith, OCIA/RCIA Advisor for the Diocese of Sacramento, CI Mentor.
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Presented by Deacon Anthony Clishem, Ed.D of the Diocese of Joliet, IL.
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Presented by Fred Shellabarger and Kara Kardell of Project Timothy in the Diocese of Sioux City, IA; Fr. Patrick Cahill, Patrick Reynolds, Maura Murphy of Holy Family Mission in the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland; Jim Anderson of St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission in the Diocese of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
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Presented by Dr. Joseph White of Our Sunday Visitor Publishing.
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Presented by Dr. Joseph White of Our Sunday Visitor Publishing.
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