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Presented by Dcn. Patrick Lappert, MD, Chaplain for Courage International in the Diocese of Birmingham, Surgeon, and Deacon at Annunciation of the Lord Catholic Church in Decatur, AL.
Presented by Dr. William Keimig, Dr. Mark Ginter, Dr. Stella Marie Jeffrey, and Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig of the Catechetical Institute, Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH
Presented by Dr. Scott Sollom, Director, Catechetical Institute and Associate Chair of Theology – Catechetics, Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH
Presentado por la Dra. Pilar Calva, profesora de la Universidad Pontificia de México y la Universidad Católica de Dallas (Catholic University of Dallas), médica cirujana con especialidad en genética humana y en citogenética.
Presented by Dr. Mary Hasson, the Kate O’Beirne Senior Fellow and Director of the Person and Identity Project at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC.